Mix dish soap with cloves – you will be blown away

Clove dish soap, why do it? What is happening is incredible and leaves us speechless.

DIY is still very popular, but not just for furniture. In fact, cleaning experts are always ready to invent something new to clean the house and disinfect it in the best possible way. In this case, they took dish soap with cloves. It is a natural ingredient rich in properties and benefits, very rich for cleaning the home and hygiene of all environments. How is this new substance made? Let’s clarify.

Cloves and dishwashing liquid to mix
A new substance from cleaning experts, who have experimented with new ways to clean the house by disinfecting it properly.

The necessary ingredients are:

A bowl with two/three glasses of classic dish soap;
A handful of cloves.
The two ingredients are mixed until a homogeneous substance is obtained. Immediately afterwards, pour what you have obtained into a container fitted with a spray bottle. What to use it for?
cloves and dishwashing liquid
It can be used every day, instead of normal detergents, without having to spend unnecessary money.

What are the properties of clove?

Continued on next page

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