How to make pesto to keep in the refrigerator and accompany dozens of dishes

Pesto  is a sauce originating from Italian cuisine , more precisely from Liguria. Its main ingredient is basil and behind all the flavors it carries there is a very traditional story that reaches our tables.

This time we will see how to prepare it at home, easy and simple that can accompany pasta, rice and meat.

In fact, it is a versatile sauce and therefore, it is ideal to add to a pizza and any other dish that we like the most.

We can even prepare enough to keep in the refrigerator and have it available for our meals.

Let’s see below the necessary and basic ingredients of the recipe and all the preparation:


  • 50 gr. of Basil
  • w/olive oil
  • 20 gr. Walnuts (Optional)
  • 2 tbsp. grated cheese (Parmesan)
  • Coarse salt
  • 2 cloves of Garlic
  • Continued on next page

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