This is the most healing water for your thyroid, brain and liver. You can make it at home

People have learned and appreciated the amazing beneficial properties of turmeric centuries ago, and this powerful product can improve health in numerous ways.

This is an impressive nutritional profile, and according to doctors:

“One tablespoon (seven grams) of chopped turmeric contains about:

-23.9 calories
-4.4 grams of carbohydrates
-0.5 grams protein
-0.7 grams of fat
-1.4 grams of fiber
-0.5 milligram of manganese
-2.8 milligrams of iron
-0.1 milligrams of vitamin B6
-170 mg of potassium
-1.7 milligrams of vitamin C
-13 mg of magnesium.

Continued on next page

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